Song Spotlight

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Oh Righteous Branch

Advent is a time of expectation, longing, and hope. We look forward to Christmas, when we celebrate Jesus’ birth. Waiting for Christmas trains our hearts to look forward to his return. The world is not as it should be, so we say together “come, Jesus!”

We’ll sing a song throughout Advent that will help us to wait for Jesus with the Israelites in the Old Testament. It joins the hopeful language of the prophets with our own longing for Christ to return and make all things new. You can hear it here.

We’ll sing for the Son of David to come rule not just over kingdoms and nations, but in our hearts. We’ll sing for hearts that beat for the presence of God. We'll sing for hearts no longer freed from slavery to sin. We’ll sing for death to be conquered. We’ll sing for our shepherd to keep us in his fold. We’ll sing for the lion to dwell with the lamb—for the peace and reconciliation that only Jesus offers. We’ll sing for the unending joy his return will bring.

Woven through all of that is one refrain. “Jesus we wait for you. Jesus come soon.” Simply put, that refrain sums up Advent. Jesus has come. Jesus is coming back. We're waiting. Come soon.
