Incarnation’s Governance Team


Once Incarnation is ready to be received as an official “congregation” by the diocese, we will form a vestry.  A vestry is a group of lay-people (i.e., non-ordained) selected by the people for the purpose of governing the finances and business structure of the church.  The clergy are responsible for the theological direction of the church, and the vestry responsible for the material resources of the church.  Currently, since we are a “mission”, we are governed by the vestry of our mother church at the discretion of the bishop.  (If you would like to know more about the technical status of “congregation” or “mission” and what it means to “be received by the diocese”, let me know!)
In order to help me establish the business structure of the church (basically, its budget and bylaws), I asked a group of people to form an initial governance team, or proto-vestry.  This group will disappear when the congregation selects its first vestry (likely in the summer of 2021), but there are many things that needed to be established now regarding the church’s governance structure and use of money, and so I asked a group to assist me in this before the formation of the first vestry.  (This is standard practice for church plants in the Anglican world.)  All of our work is subject to the approval of Church of the Holy Spirit and the bishop.
The group consists of Ruthie Byrne, Elizabeth Ellwanger, Ken Fitchett, Ed Hardy, and Chris Heidenthal.  Chris is actually leaving the governance team, as we decided (in our bylaws) that no one may serve on the vestry who has a spouse employed by the church, and Katherine is our new administrator and children’s director.  (It is safer when no one gets to decide or vote on the salary of their spouse!)  This group will continue to serve until it is disbanded at the selection of our first vestry, and is operating under the bylaws that will govern the vestry.  Sometime in the near future, we will have a church meeting where the group presents its work, particularly the church’s budget, to everyone.  In the meantime, if you have questions about the governance of the church, please do not hesitate to talk to one of them!
Lastly, my desire is that this church is a place where everyone feels free to talk to me about what we are doing and why.  I want the ideas and suggestions of the all!  This is not my church; it is God’s.  I genuinely believe we will be strongest when we listen to each other in good faith.  Do not hesitate to bring me your questions, ideas, and dreams.  Not everything that everyone wants can be done, but I do believe that your wisdom will help enrich this church.
In Christ,