Last week, a group from Incarnation attended the Diocese of Christ our Hope’s yearly convocation and synod. During convocation, we heard three talks and a panel discussion all focused on a Christian theology of human nature. While this might seem to be an obscure topic, it lies behind many of the most pressing issues of the day. Sexuality; gender and marriage; work and rest; mental health and education; entertainment and worship—there is a long list of current issues (in both the culture and the church) that can only be discussed well if we first understand what it means to be human. We must lay the foundation before we can build the first and second floor! To begin this conversation in our diocese, Dr. Marc Cortez gave two lectures (lecture one begins at the 1:29:00 mark and lecture two begins at the 1:17:00) on what is means that we were created in the image of God, and Dr. Julie Canlis gave a lecture on how incorporation into Christ through baptism creates a new nature in us. Her lecture is divided into two parts (part one begins at 2:33:00 and part two). All three talks were excellent and are worth your time! There was a panel discussion that discussed these topics further (part one and part two).
On Friday evening, Alan Hawkins was consecrated Bishop Coadjutor of the diocese (watch here). The service was beautiful and a time of deep rejoicing in the presence of the Lord. And on Saturday morning, we heard reports about the state of the diocese and accomplished some of the yearly business of the diocese.
Over the course of this year, there will be several opportunities to learn more about how a good theology of humanity changes our understanding of particular issues. Starting in January there will be an opportunity every other month, and the topics addressed will include gender, mortality, race, mental health, and vocation. Stay tuned for more information about how to participate in these discussions!