Scripture Reflections

…on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. (Rev. 22:2b)

Over and over, Revelation answers the questions and problems of Genesis. Why were heaven and earth separated? So that they could be united in the new Jerusalem! Darkness was separated from light, but would it ever be vanquished? The Lamb is light, and his victory will swallow up darkness in a perpetual day! Why did there have to be two distinct people—Adam and Eve—separated but made to be joined? Because they foreshadow the marriage of the Lamb and the Church!

Genesis is answered and explained by what we read in Revelation. It should not surprise us, then, when the tree of life returns, full of fruit and healing for all. What was once in the garden is now recreated in the new heavens and new earth, yet the new surpasses the old. Instead of one fruit, we now see twelve kinds of fruit, and even the leaves bring healing.

But both of these trees are simply sacramental embodiments of the greater tree, the true tree of life, which is the cross. On that tree healing and life are offered to all, and all who eat of that tree will live forever. Eden’s tree points forward to the cross just as the new Jerusalem’s tree points back to it. Both revolve around Jesus, pierced for us, hanging on the tree of the cross, offering life to the world.

We are constantly looking for life. New habits, new friends, a new job, pleasure and power—our quest goes on and on. But from the beginning of the Bible to its end, the message is clear: there is only one tree of life. The explorers who looked for Fountain of Youth in the new world were just as mistaken as we are when we look for life in our hobbies and careers. Life only comes from one tree.

Turn back to the cross; turn back to its healing. Jesus Christ is true life, and all who eat of him live forever (Jn. 6:51). Do not waste your energy pursuing life in other places, but let his life fill you so that you bring it with you into your work and hobbies and habits. After all, those who receive his life become sources of it for others (Jn. 7:38).
