A Prayer for Calling

The following prayer was written by Rebekah, and when she shared it with me, I was eager to pass it on to the entire congregation. I encourage you to read it, and then pray it for Erich and Justin.

But as you do so, consider your own calling. Each of us is called to follow the Son, bearing our cross as we walk through desert places. Each of us is tempted by more comfortable paths. Each of us needs the light of Christ shining in our heart. Each of us is called to help usher others into the presence of God with fear and trembling. The point is that there are not supposed to be spectators in the Church—each of us is called by God to be the presence of Christ to others.

After you have prayed this for Erich and Justin, I encourage you to go back and pray it for yourself.


A prayer for Erich and Justin, as they begin their ministry as priests:

Yahweh, God of our fathers, your promises are as particular and individual as they are wide and all encompassing. May Erich and Justin, being rooted and grounded in your love, walk through the desert following your Son, bearing their crosses. May they not be tempted into other, more comfortable paths, that they may shine your light into the dark places of their own hearts and of your world. As you call them into roles of servant leadership in your church, may they help and not hinder, encourage, and strengthen and not provoke or pull down, respect and honor and not despise or ignore. Your people—all and each—are called by your name and are precious in your sight. Remembering this, may they usher your people into your presence with fear and trembling, always consulting you, keeping your words before them, acting only in your strength and not in their own understanding—lest they put themselves and your beloved ones into danger. Help them, O our High Priest, to trust your trust in them as they lean wholly on you, who are faithful in all your ways and just in all your judgment.