Scripture Reflections

The Gospel readings from both last Sunday and this upcoming Sunday focus on the ministry and testimony of John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus. Regarding John, Jesus said something peculiar: “Among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist.” (Mt. 11:11a)
This statement is stunning! John is greater than Moses? Elijah? Elisha? Ezekiel? Those prophets worked miracles, saw angels, raised the dead, and ate in the presence of God Almighty! They delivered people from slavery, conquered armies, and had their prayers answered miraculously! In what sense is John greater than them?
The answer is complex, but part of it, at least, is simple: John was greater because he was closer to Jesus. He knew Jesus personally, and they didn’t. He pointed people to him directly, and they only did so with mysterious hints (that they might not have understood perfectly). John met Jesus, in the flesh, face-to-face, and was greater than them because of it.
This answer may feel a bit like “Christian-speak,” but we need to meditate on it. Our world depicts greatness in so many ways—beauty, wealth, athletic prowess, influence, success, etc. But greatness, from Jesus’ perspective, is far humbler and yet far more profound.
Do we know Jesus? Not know of him, but know him, the way we know our closest friends? Could we predict his response to a situation? Can we feel his feelings? Do we long for his company? When you get up in the morning to face each new day, what does a good day look like? What does success look like? Jesus’ answer to that question is clear: “Just be as close to me as you can!”
Jesus is the life of God who has come into the world. Looking elsewhere for life—for satisfaction, pleasure, or affirmation—is a fool’s errand. He calls us to himself and defines greatness as proximity to himself because he loves us and longs to give us his life.