Shrove Tuesday

Next Tuesday (2/21) is Shrove Tuesday! Like many other special days in the church calendar, there are different practices associated with Shrove Tuesday in the various cultures that celebrate it. Some of these practices and ideas even seem to be self-contradictory. In some cultures, it is a day of debauchery that has completely lost its Christian character, and in others, it is a day of self-examination and confession prior to the beginning of Lent. Clearly those two things don’t fit together well!
Christians have done several things on Shrove Tuesday for hundreds of years. First, it is traditional to spend time in prayer, self-examination, and confession on this day. This practice is at least 1000 years old, and the name “shrove” comes from the archaic verb for confession, penance, and absolution. In this tradition, the spiritual disciplines of Lent begin with a time of focused confession. Second, it is a day of modest feasting before Lent’s fast. Eating pancakes for dinner comes from the practice of ridding the cupboards of rich foods before Ash Wednesday, so that they won’t tempt us during the weeks of fasting. Third, it is the traditional day for burning palm branches from the previous Palm Sunday, which is where the church gets the ashes for Ash Wednesday.
Many members of the church will be joining together in homes for a Shrove Tuesday meal, and I pray that these meals would be examples of God’s kindness in each of our lives. Throughout the Bible (read Psalm 104 to see an example of this), we hear that food is one of the primary ways God shows us his goodness, and it is important to set aside particular meals to remember this. Eat a good meal and thank the Lord for it as you do!
I also encourage you to spend time asking God what sins need to be confessed and changes made in your life this year. If you want to speak to me in that process, either for confession or advice, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
I am thankful for you all and pray that the upcoming season of Lent will be a time of growth in the Lord.