Angel Tree

For the past few years, Incarnation has participated in Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree program. We will be doing so again this year and will be giving gifts to children who are separated from a parent because of incarceration. The gifts are purchased by people in the church and are given to the children on behalf of the incarcerated parent. This is a great opportunity to show the love of Christ to families who are affected by incarceration.

On Sunday (December 8) there will be a Christmas tree at church with “angel tags” on it that give
information about the children. Everyone at Incarnation who wants to participate should take a tag from the tree and buy the appropriate gifts, based on the information on the tag. (We would like each child to receive two gifts, one worth approximately $5-10 and one worth approximately $25-40.) After buying the gifts, you will simply wrap them, fix the “angel tag” to them, write the gift code inconspicuously on the corner of the package (in case the tag falls off in transit), and return them to church no later than Sunday, December 15 (you can return them earlier!). If you would like to get a jump on shopping, you can email me and I will send you gift information for the child(ren) you would like to shop for. 

We also need volunteers to help deliver the gifts the week before Christmas (December 16-20). If you would like to deliver gifts to a family, please let me know no later than Friday, December 13.
