Holy Week

Our only hope is Jesus Christ, and we need a moment every year when we stop everything to remember this. We need a moment to re-enter into his death and resurrection, to reground ourselves in what he did for us.
During Holy Week, we are given this chance. It is our yearly call to remember that our hope is only in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The services work together to draw us into Jesus’ work for us. Each service is beautiful on its own, but together they are more than their sum. By following him from the Triumphal Entry to the Last Supper; from his agony, betrayal, and arrest at Gethsemane to the mockery of his trial; from the darkness of his crucifixion into the glory of his resurrection—by following him in each of these moments, we have the chance to re-center our life on him.
Even though life is busy, make a point to set aside every other pursuit during Holy Week. There is nothing more important for us to do! Let following Jesus from the Triumphal Entry to the empty tomb be the only goal for the week.
Holy Week Services (March 24-31)
Palm Sunday—9:00am, March 24
Be early! We will begin outside with the crowds, greeting Jesus as he rides through in humility and majesty, cheering him with palms and cries of “Hosanna!” Regular Sunday childcare will be offered.
Maundy Thursday—6:00pm, March 28
On Maundy Thursday, we join Jesus as he celebrates Passover with his disciples, offering in the institution of the Lord’s Supper a new Passover covenant established in his blood.  We end the service by following Jesus and the disciples in the dark to Gethsemane through the stripping of the altar. Nursery childcare will be available for ages 6mos – 3 years.
Good Friday—6:30pm, March 29
On the darkest night of the year, we gather to confess our sins as we mourn the death of Jesus Christ. We remember and confess that we, too, are culpable as we consider the gravity of our rebellion against our Creator and Lord. Nursery childcare will be available for ages 6mos – 3 years.
Great Vigil—7:30pm, March 30
The Great Vigil begins in darkness because Jesus Christ has been slain and lies in the tomb. As we wait in vigil, we listen to the narrative of God’s acts of salvation in human history, and we begin to hope again as we hear his promises. As the vigil reaches its climax, light enters the world again when we learn that Jesus has risen from the dead and left the tomb. We ring bells, sing, and celebrate the victory of our God! Nursery childcare will be available for ages 6mos – 3 years.
Easter Morning—9:00am, March 31
The Feast of the Resurrection is the great joy of the Church and has been its principal feast since the beginning. We sing, celebrate, and rejoice because our Lord has conquered death! Our hope is secure because our Lord has defeated sin and the devil! Nursery childcare will be available for ages 6mos – 3 years.
Easter Picnic—11:00 am-2:00pm, March 31, at Geoff and Patty Hall’s Home
Bring your chair and a picnic lunch. There will be an egg hunt for children. Join us in this time to rejoice after the service. The church will supply drinks.