What does it mean to think like a Christian about the government?

On Sunday, January 19, we began a series in Adult Sunday School about a Christian view of government. After a month-long break, we are going to be resuming it this Sunday (2/16)!
If you missed the first session, I strongly encourage you to print out the handout and take an hour to listen to the audio. That session is the foundation for what we will be discussing over the next few classes.
One of the foundational truths that we began with last time is that all government is established by God. Over the next two sessions (2/16 and 3/2), we are going to be addressing the specific question of why God has done this. Why does he establish governments? Seeing his purpose should hopefully clarify for us how to think about our own government, and it will likely also begin to reveal how different the human perspective on the purpose of  government is from God’s perspective.
Just like in the first session, we are going to be avoiding the particular political issues that divide Americans; instead, my goal is a Biblical understanding of government itself. Once the foundation is in place, I hope that it begins to change how we wrestle with the issues, but we need to start with the foundation.
Make a point to stay after church for Sunday School this week! As always, childcare will be provided for the youngest kids, and Sunday School will be offered for upper elementary, middle school, and high school students.
In Christ,