Ask the Church!

We have been toying with this idea for a while, and at staff meeting this morning, it was decided that it is time to get started.
In the near future, we are going to start including a short (1-5 minute) video in the newsletter each week that answers the strange, odd, and interesting questions that you have about the church.
Regarding the questions:
We want these videos to answer questions you actually have. In a certain sense, anything about the church, Christian theology, our worship, the Bible, etc. is fair game. Realistically, not everything can be addressed in 1-5 minutes, and so some questions will have to be set aside. But I am certain that many of you have had questions pop into mind during worship (or at other random times), and this is your chance to ask them. Simply email the questions to Steven!
We will create a short video on our YouTube page and link it to our newsletter. Your question will likely help others and hopefully spur other questions. The end goal, of course, is deeper understanding and appreciation for what we do, both as part of the Church Universal and as members of a local church. As we begin to populate the YouTube page, feel free to share it with others who might be interested in various aspects of our worship, discipleship, or church life. These are for public consumption, and might be a helpful way to introduce people to the church.
We won’t start putting these videos in the newsletter until we have received a sufficient number of questions, because we know that there will be “dry spells” when no questions come in. We need to fill the reservoir, so that we can get started without worrying about running out of questions.
To that end, email me your questions!
In Christ,