Hidden LIfe

Hidden life, its precise beginning and too often its end impossible to mark, is yet a claimed life, a known life. Though they may never hear it spoken over them in an earthly baptism, we proclaim it now: For this unborn child the Author and Perfector of life, died. For this child he defeated death, conquering sin and the grave! For this child he rose, as a first fruit of all those who belong to him, and ascended like a Son of Man into the heavenly throne room. For this child our King and Risen Lord makes continual intercession with the Father. Precious one, you are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb—wear your wedding garments proudly, as one who is beloved!

- Rebekah

Governance Team Update

As most of you know, in Anglican church governance, duties are divided between clergy and laity. The clergy, under the bishop, is responsible for the theological direction of the church. This encompasses how we worship, what we teach, and how we seek to spread the Gospel. The vestry (or parish council) is a group of lay people selected by the congregation who have a different, but complementary duty.

The vestry is responsible for the “temporal affairs” of the church. This means that this group is responsible for our budget, business decisions, and policies and bylaws. In a rough sense, you can say that the clergy set the identity and vision of the church and the people, through the vestry, choose how to spend money to enact this identity and vision. Together, they balance each other, so that both clergy and laity have a voice at the table.

Incarnation is currently a mission in the Diocese of Christ our Hope, rather than a full-fledged congregation. We will likely make the transition from mission to congregation in 2022, which will entail the selection of our first official vestry! At that point, we will ask people to submit names, so that we can begin the selection process.

In the meantime, though, the role of the vestry has been fulfilled by our governance team, which has acted as a “proto-vestry.” The only real differences between our governance team and a vestry are term-length (the governance team will disband when we transition from mission to congregation) and selection process. Rather than receiving names nominated by the people, this group internally selects its new members.

In the summer of 2019, I asked Ruthie Byrne, Elizabeth Ellwanger, Ken Fitchett, Ed Hardy, and Chris Heidenthal to be our initial governance team. Since then, whenever there has been a vacancy, the group has selected several potential new members from the members of the church, prayed over the names, and then drawn lots to choose the new members. With the departure of Ruthie and Chris from the team, both Connie Beekman and Elizabeth Hammon were added in this way. The current team is now Connie Beekman, Elizabeth Ellwanger, Ken Fitchett, and Ed Hardy, and they drew lots again at our last meeting (after praying over the names!). Brannon McDaniel and Kristi Hall will be joining the team at our next meeting in October.

If you would like to know more about the business side of the church, and how it functions, please approach one of these people! They are the representatives of the people who govern the church’s resources and help establish healthy policies. And if you want more information about how the entire system functions, please do not hesitate to email me!

In Christ,

New Roles for Michael and Tori Davis

As you all likely know, Michael and Tori moved to Richmond over a year ago for Michael to pursue a Master of Theology degree as preparation for a potential PhD program. Over their time here, Michael and Tori have realized that, rather than pursuing further education, their calling is to start doing ministry here and now. This realization is something that I fully agree with, and am delighted that they have landed here and become a part of Incarnation, because I love the idea of them participating in the ministry of this church to the Richmond area. Michael and Tori bring different gifts to the church, and we are excited to see them use their gifts in our midst and in the surrounding community.

Tori has said “yes” to taking up the part-time role at Incarnation of Women’s Minister, and will be helping us develop new ministries for the women at the church. The new mid-morning women’s Bible study is an example of the work that she will be doing. Tori has a number of dreams about potential ministries to the women of the church and the broader community, and I encourage you to ask her about what she is praying about and developing!

She is also becoming our second Youth Minister, and is helping Justin by planning fellowship events, teaching Sunday school classes, and taking the lead on communication. Parents of youth have already seen the newsletters and updates from her. If you want to know more about the dreams and plans for youth ministry, talk to Justin and Tori! (It should also be noted that Justin and Tori have a fantastic group of volunteers who are helping them teach Sunday school classes and participating in special activities.)

Michael is now officially on board with Fellowship of Christian Athletes as a campus pastor at the University of Richmond, where he will be ministering to the coaches and athletes. Currently, he is fundraising so that he can begin his ministry. To hear more about his work, read this brief letter from him. He will continue to serve as a deacon at the church until his ordination to the priesthood (Oct. 9), and after his ordination, will serve as an assisting priest. I am thankful to have someone to assist me in this way.

We are delighted that God has brought us Michael and Tori, and eager to see how each of their ministries grows and develops in the Richmond area. Please pray for them!

In Christ,