Psalm 26:1-12
Romans 12:1-8
Matthew 16:21-27
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 51:1-6
Psalm 138:1-8
Matthew 16:13-20
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 56:1-8
Psalm 67
Matthew 15:21-28
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 78:13-25
Romans 8:35-39
Matthew 14:13-21
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 119:121-136
Romans 8:26-34
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-50
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 86:1-17
Romans 8:18-25
Matthew 13:24-30, 34-43
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 55
Psalm 65
Romans 8:7-17
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 145
Romans 7:21-8:6
Matthew 11:25-30
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 89
Romans 6:1-11
Matthew 10:34-42
Third Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 69
Romans 5:12-21
Matthew 10:16-33
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 100
Romans 5:1-11
Matthew 9:35-10:15
Trinity Sunday
Genesis 1:1-2:3
Psalm 150
Matthew 28:16-20
Pentecost Sunday
Psalm 104:25-35
1 Corinthians 12:4-13
John 20:19-23
Rogation Sunday
Psalm 148:1-14
1 Peter 3:8-18
John 15:1-17
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Psalm 66:1-12
1 Peter 2:1-12
John 14:1-14
Good Shepherd Sunday
Psalm 23:1-6
1 Peter 2:13-25
John 10:1-18
Third Sunday of Easter
Psalm 116:12-19
1 Peter 1:13-25
Luke 24:13-35
Second Sunday of Easter
Psalm 111
1 Peter 1:3-9
John 20:19-31
Easter Day
Psalm 118:14-24
Acts 10:34-43
John 20:1-18
Palm Sunday
Genesis 49:8-12
Psalm 118:19-29
John 12:12-28