Walk for Life

On Saturday, May 6, we will be sponsoring the Pregnancy Resource Center’s annual Walk for Life. If you are available that morning, sign up to pick up donuts, help make coffee, work at the table at the park, or clean up afterwards. We need volunteers from 7:15-11:00am. Even if a sign-up slot is full, come anyways! We want as many people as possible to help out and enjoy the time together. Contact Tori or Katherine if you have any questions!
The PRC’s work is a great example of what I Peter 1:16 is referring to when it says that we are to be holy, because the Lord is holy. Peter is quoting Leviticus, where this phrase occurs multiple times (e.g., Lev. 11:44; 19:2; 20:26). Throughout Leviticus, God calls his people to holiness—to be unique, set apart from others, consecrated for God as his missional presence in the world—and gives specific commands that illustrate what this “set apartness” looks like. The people of God are supposed to stand out clearly as “God’s possession,” and it is in concrete actions—like sexual purity, keeping the Sabbath, economic justice, and faithful worship—that this uniqueness is practiced and seen. The actions that demonstrate this “set apart for God” status aren’t random, but instead flow from the character of God. To be holy—set apart as a living testimony to God’s nature—is to look like God in a world that oftentimes rejects him.
These commands include protecting those who are vulnerable and have no voice or power in the world. The poor, immigrants, the blind, hired hands—the examples given in Leviticus 19 make it clear that God is particularly concerned with what happens to those who get forgotten and trampled on in the societies of the world. (According to Ex. 22:22-23 and Matt. 25:31-46, this includes orphans and widows and those who are hungry, naked, or in prison.) God’s character is supposed to mark his people, which means we should stand out from others as those who care about the suffering, the vulnerable, and the powerless. In doing this, we act as God’s testimony of his own character to the world.
It is this call that the PRC is fulfilling when it seeks to protect both the unborn and young mothers and fathers. Through pregnancy tests, compassionate and objective information, mentoring, parenting classes, and other services, the PRC cares for those who are vulnerable. They are embodying holiness, because they are putting into practice the character of God in the world.
Join us as we support them!