The Feast of the Ascension

Tomorrow (May 18th) is the Feast of the Ascension. Even though it is one of the seven principal feasts of the church calendar, it is often forgotten, likely for two reasons:  One, we don’t realize that it is important.  And two, it always falls on a Thursday, rather than a Sunday.  But we shouldn’t forget it—imagine forgetting Christmas just because it fell on a weekday!  The four movements (incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension) of the work of Jesus Christ are all essential, and each needs to be remembered and celebrated.
The ascension matters for a variety of reasons.  Jesus told the disciples that it was better for him to go away, a statement that we might still struggle to believe.  After all, wouldn’t it be easier if Jesus were still here, with us? But the ascension was better than remaining, according to Jesus.  Here are a few reasons why:
First, Jesus ascended so that the Holy Spirit could be given by the Father, through the Son.  As Jesus was anointed with the Spirit to begin his ministry, the Church was anointed with the Spirit for its ministry.  Without the ascension, there is no Pentecost, and no gift of the Spirit to each of us.
Second, Jesus went to present his sacrifice of himself to the Father, which the Father accepted as perfect and sufficient.  Hebrews describes Jesus as the great high priest, entering the Holy of Holies in the heavenly temple with his own blood to atone for our sins.  When he ascended, the sacrifice was accepted, and therefore we are freed from our condemnation, impurity, and shame.
Third, Jesus went to intercede for us before the Father.  Because he ascended, we have a high priest pleading on our behalf before the throne of God.  We have an advocate in the throne room!
Fourth, because Jesus joined himself to human nature in the incarnation, he took human nature back into heaven with him in the ascension.  Because we are joined to him—made a part of his body—and because he has ascended, we have been brought into heaven and seated in the heavenly places.  Because of the ascension, we have access to the throne of God.
Fifth, Jesus went to receive his kingdom.  Although we are still waiting for all things to be subject to Christ, our king has returned to his rightful place, which indicates to us that the war has already been won and the kingdom of God is secure.  His work on earth is finished, even though he is still at work through the church by his Spirit.  Because he ascended, we can be at peace in the security of God’s victory.
Take time tomorrow to meditate on each of five truths. Let them strengthen and encourage your faith. And if you can, join us at the church at 5:30pm for a short Ascension Day Eucharist!
In the Name of our Ascended Lord!