Book Clubs

Book clubs last summer were a hit! Over the course of the summer, groups gathered to discuss everything from highbrow theology to great novels. Some books took a lot of effort to wade through and others were quick reads. The only criteria were, effectively, “Does this book help us see more fully the glory of God or what it means to live as his creatures?” You could summarize that as simply, “Is this book good for a Christian to read?”
For those who weren’t able to participate, it was a pretty simple endeavor—we gathered in various homes, ate good food, and discussed a good book. Some people read the whole book before the meeting and some people only made it a couple chapters in, but no tests were given! Some discussions had 25 or 30 people, and some had 5 or 10.
Given that small groups and Bible studies take a break for the summer, this is a great way to continue to learn and grow, and so we are planning to do this again. These are wonderful moments to bring friends to, and wonderful moments to enjoy each other’s company during the summer.
We need suggestions for this summer! If you would like to lead a discussion on a particular book, email Steven. If you want to facilitate an evening together over a book, but don’t want to lead the discussion itself, let Steven know—there might be someone that could join with you to help. We will finalize the list of book clubs in mid-May, so don’t wait too long to email.