Pregnancy Resource Center—Walk for Life

On Saturday, May 4, we are sponsoring the Pregnancy Resource Center’s Walk for Life. We have done this the last few years and are grateful to be able to continue to do this. The PRC provides invaluable care to young men and women facing unexpected pregnancies, and it is our delight to support their team in this work.
For those unfamiliar with the PRC, the center offers basic medical care (free ultrasounds) and a variety of types of support care. This support care includes classes on parenting, mentoring relationships, support groups, and spiritual discussion groups. All of this is free, as the Center’s mission is to provide compassionate, life-affirming care to all who need it. Their work has changed the lives of thousands in the Richmond area, and we are glad to encourage and stand beside them in this work.
Practically, we need volunteers! We will have a table at the walk and will be offering breakfast snacks to everyone present. We need people at the table to pass out the snacks and greet the people who are helping raise money for the Center. In addition, we need a small group to set things up and to clean up afterwards. Set-up begins at 8:00am, and clean-up will occur around 10:30am. Please help us by signing up for a slot here! Reach out to Katherine if you have any questions about volunteering.